“Population genetics of Escherichia coli” On the occasion of Erick Denamur’ retirement, this symposium was a “tour de table” of what has been done during the last 25 years on the Bichat campus within his lab, in close relationships with various colleagues. Structured in three main sessions, the symposium tackled commensalism, virulence and resistance aspects. It has terminated by an historical perspective presented by Erick Denamur: “Le colibacille de Escherich à IAME”. A real success in a friendly atmosphere.
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Interview of Laurence Armand at the occasion of the issue of her work in Lancet Microbe
Listen to this Lancet Microbe podcast with an interview of Laurence Armand at the occasion of the issue of her work in Lancet Microbe on the implementation of the WHO tricycle protocol on Madagascar : Click here to listen to the podcast
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Participation de Romain Leroux au Concours des 60 ans de l’Inserm
« Enfin la fin de la faim dans le monde ! » Romain Leroux, Ingénieur de Recherche à IAME, nous raconte l’histoire de la création d’une pomme de terre révolutionnaire contenant autant de protéines qu’un poulet. Retrouvez l’article sur le site Inserm pro et l’article de presse de Romain Leroux.
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« Ma thèse en 180″ dans IAME » – January 25, 2024
Congratulations to all the first and second year PhD students of IAME for their presentations.
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