
  First name: Morgane
  Last name: Philipp
  Function: PhD student
  Email: morgane.philipp

Research interest

PhD subject: Inferences in pharmacometrics: impact of modelling approaches on covariate effects and the associated uncertainty



2021: MSc in Life Sciences (Diplôme d’ingénieur), AgroParisTech, France
Specialization: Data Science

Academic positions

2022-present : PhD student supervised by Pr France Mentré

Exhaustive list of publications


Philipp M, Tessier A, Donnelly M, Fang L, Feng K, Zhao L, Grosser S, Sun G, Sun W, Mentré F, Bertrand J
Model-based bioequivalence approach for sparse pharmacokinetic bioequivalence studies: Model selection or model averaging?.
Statistics in Medicine 2024, 43, 3403-3416.

Philipp M, Buatois S, Retout S, Mentré F
Impact of covariate model building methods on their clinical relevance evaluation in population pharmacokinetic analyses: comparison of the full model, stepwise covariate model (SCM) and SCM+ approaches.
Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 2024