In Silico Evaluation of pharmacokinetic optimization for Antimitogram-based clinical trials Multivariate Intrapatient Dose Escalation Algorithm (mIDEA) for targeted cancer therapy Projecting the antiviral efficacy of tecovirimat against mpox in humans Modeling placental transfer of antiviral drugs with ex vivo bolus injections Prevalence and factors associated of antibiotic exposure during pregnancy in a large French population-based study, 2010-2019 Computation of uncertainty at finite distance in model-based tests of treatment effects on clinical longitudinal data - application to the trial Discovery Modeling bacterial dynamics in the digestive tract: inference, adaptive immunity, and evolution. Quasi-experimental designs in community acquired severe pediatric infectious diseases Joint modeling with competing risks using Monolix and R softwares Modeling the long-term dynamics of HBV and HDV viral markers to optimize combination therapy Phylodynamics: using viral phylogenies in epidemiology Decison-making factors in the management of community acquired pneumonia (CAP) in general practice Impact of covariate model selection methods on covariate effects and their uncertainty in population pharmacokinetic analysis Joint modelling of ctDNA, tumour dynamics and progression-free-survival in metastatic colorectal cancer Middle-term impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions in lower respiratory tract infections in children : a time-series analysis. Translational medicine and machine learning in pharmacometrics. Some examples of how preclinical models derived from patients can improve clinical practice in oncology and some of artificial intelligence techniques in pharmacometrics. Influence de la rifampicine sur la pharmacocinétique de la clindamycine dans le traitement des infections osteo-articulaires. Infections périnatales et exposition aux traitements anti-infectieux pendant la grossesse Persistence-colonization trade-off and niche differentiation enable the coexistence of Escherichia coli phylogroups "Using serology and mathematical modeling to understand the risk of infection and pathogen circulation: Application to arbovirus, SARS-CoV-2, and Q fever" Statistical methods to derive robust evidence for longitudinal change and treatment effect in very small clinical trials for multisystemic ataxia Treatment strategies to avoid residents isolation in nursing home: modelling analysis Modeling the antiviral action of a monoclonal antibody on hospitalized patients infected with SARS-CoV-2, a randomized clinical trial: DisCoVeRy Contribution of joint modelling of biomarker dynamics and survival for therapeutic evaluation in oncology Design, methodological, and statistical practices in platform trials: a systematic review M2: Development of a semi-Bayesian algorithm for finite-distance estimation of parameter uncertainty in non-linear mixed-effects models